“Inside” Sunday to Sunday – Zoom Recordings
Our “gifted preachers” answer your questions in these “Inside STS” Zoom discussions. We are eager to hear your voices, suggestions, and insight into the Gospel.Father Chris Walsh
May 26, 2020 | Runtime 58 mins 43 secs
Chris Walsh joins us in a discussion of how Saint Raymond’s parish and school are adjusting to the “shelter in place” orders. This parish has been live-streaming Masses and liturgical services for the past several years. Their experience readied the community to the clear challenges of worship in a time of loss because of the pandemic. Father Chris’s insight into the lives of his people is heard loud and clear.
Father Ricky Manalo
May 7, 2020 | Runtime 123 mins 01 secs
Ricky Manalo’s reputation as a teacher, preacher, and composer brought the discussion into a number of key areas of his expertise. Here there are plenty of helpful responses to questions about liturgical practice and music. His stories about the recent move to Saint Paul’s in New York City and his Asian American heritage provide a timely and valuable insight into his unique ministry.
Sunday to Sunday “on Monday”
Sunday to Sunday “on Monday” is a podcast conversation about the Sunday homily – in development

Mike Russo with Ginny Prior and Terrence Gargiulo
Runtime 13 mins 52 secs
Ginny Prior is a journalist and teacher at Saint Mary’s College of CA. and Terrence Gargiulo is a communication consultant and author of “Making Stories.

Mike Russo with Father Ed Holterhoff
Runtime 18 mins 22 secs
Father Ed Holterhoff is the pastor of St. Timothy’s, Morro Bay, CA.

Mike Russo with Peter Stemp
Runtime 20 mins 15 secs
Peter Stemp is the Associate Director of Solidarity for the LaSalle Christian Brothers, Rome, Italy.

Mike Russo with Father Sal Ragusa
Runtime 18 mins 33 secs
Father Sal Ragusa is a campus minister at Holy Names University, Oakland, CA.